Friday, 10 February 2012

How do you eat yours?

Ok so picture the scene a few weeks ago before I decided on the whole new fitness regime I thought I would have a last supper treat so to speak so when I took my daughter to the pictures I treated us to a couple of cadbury's cream eggs.  Thinking nothing more of it  I proceeded to unwrap the little egg of lushiousness and devour it the only way I know how (All IN ONE)! So a few weeks later minding my own business on my way home one evening I put my satnav on to find the best way home which invloves me plugging it into the cigarette lighter.  Whilst doing this i heard a slight crunch but thought nothing more of it...... until I got home!  When I pulled up outside I took the plug out to a sparking surprise (literally)
There it was a piece of foil from the wrapper now firmly wedged to the metal plate in the socket.  With much trying to get it out with a piece of rolled up cardboard and lots of flashing sparks it ended with me blowing the fuse.  So that one little creamy chocolate treat has now resulted in me being unable to use my satnav and ipod in the car.  My point to this is easy "How do you eat yours"? Simple with the foil on its bloody cheaper!

Dumbo No More

So here we are 3 weeks on into my new regime and all is going well.
I have now managed to survive 3 weeks of playing squash and no alcohol and feel my fitness has gone from herniated elephant to more of a grazing buffalo.  Still not graceful but able to shift when required.  Fingers crossed I can keep it up as I am only a couple of pounds away from losing my first stone.  So stay tuned to see what I resemble next time lol.
Mr Bx