Monday, 30 January 2012

Here is my entry to the Appliances Online messiest kid competition at Mothers Always Right.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Can Elephants run?

Life is full of little mysteries.  But thanks to disney we know that Elephants can fly however there are many who believe that Elephants cannot run, myself included.  This was however until last Thursday evening when I started my new fitness regime of playing squash.
Now, i'm no small framed man by any means but nothing could have prepared me for just how unfit I really was.  To say my level of play was poor is an under statement but my friend had me running around that court like a middle aged Elephant with a hernia.  Thankfully the pain has not put me off if anything it has made me more determined to stick at it and hopefully within a few months I shall resemble something more of a leaping Gazelle lol

Mr B x

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Well where do i begin?
Hi my names Neil i'm 28, married with 2 children and i have decided that instead of bending my wifes ear each day with lifes worries and woes i thought it would be more fun to share it with others.
We as a family seem the have the most unusual luck in life. It mostly being bad luck!
However there is of course as they say a cloud with silver lining for every problem so there will be fun times shared along with the bad.
So I invite you all to join me along my adventure through this life and can only hope you enjoy the ride along the way.

Mr B x